Looking for a spiritual boost and affirmation of your faith? Our worship service is filled with old and new hymns and inspiring messages.
The worship of God is the deepest activity of the human spirit. In worship, we hear and reflect upon the biblical story. We respond with adoration, praise and song. We confess our woundedness and our deep need for God. In prayer, we lift our joys, concerns and hopes for the world. Ultimately, we trust that in worship, God will meet us to shape, nurture, and transform our lives.
Join us for joy-filled, meaningful worship on Sunday mornings at 10:00 am in the sanctuary. We celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion* on the first Sunday of the month. Services are open to everyone. (Click here to read our Welcome Statement.)
Children are always welcome here! Activity bags are available at the rear of the sanctuary for children to use. For those parents who would like their children to participate in our Christian Education program, Preschool through high school Sunday school attends worship until dismissed after our Time for Young Christians or as announced by our pastors.
Expecting mothers, nursing moms or “feeding” adults are encouraged to use the rocking chairs in the sanctuary. The parlor is also a comfortable space as well. Baby sounds during worship warms our hearts.

*On the first Sunday of the month children will go to Sunday School and will return for Communion.